
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

report writing


Snapper are mostly found at Ninety Mile 90% Matai Bay. 80% Rangiputa70%


Are sharks, grouper, barracuda, mackerel and ME


Worm, crustacean, crab, shellfish, kina, Juvenile squid and octopus


Ninety Mile Beach, Matai Bay and Rangiputa. They mostly live in 5 to 60 metres of warm water.


Coral reefs the bottom of the water They lay over hundreds of thousands of eggs each time.

Physical Features

Snapper colours are red gold and silver.

How old can snapper get?

Snapper can live up to 30 and 50 years If they are lucky they will live up to 60 years

How big can snapper get

Snapper can grow to about 40 inches, weigh up to 50 pounds and live more than 50 years.

Friday, March 1, 2019

all about me!!

this is my all about me that I write at the start of the year